Italian Neorealism competition

A chance to win a Blu-ray bundle and tickets to see films in our Italian Neorealism season.

Rome, Open City (1945)

To celebrate the start of our Chasing the Real: Italian Neorealism season, we are teaming up with our friends at Arrow Films to give away a great prize bundle of Italian cinematic gems. 

Prize includes:

  • Blu-rays of De Sica’s Miracle in Milan and Bicycle Thieves and the Palme d’Or-winning The Tree of Wooden Clogs.
  • 5 pairs of tickets to films across our Italian Neorealism season in May and June, including our re-release of the 4K restoration of Roberto Rossellini’s Rome, Open City.

To enter, answer this simple question:

  • Rossellini kickstarted the Neorealism movement with Rome, Open City, and then made two more films that explored similar themes. What is the name of this film trilogy?

Send in your answers to with ‘Neorealism’ in the subject header before Wednesday 8 May.