Eckhard Haschen

critic and curator

Voted for

Trouble in Paradise1932Ernst Lubitsch
Partie de campagne1936Jean Renoir
Laura1944Otto Preminger
Lola Montès1955Max Ophuls
Written on the Wind1956Douglas Sirk
Vertigo1958Alfred Hitchcock
Rio Bravo1958Howard Hawks
Peeping Tom1960Michael Powell
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg1964Jacques Demy
Céline and Julie Go Boating1974Jacques Rivette


In chronological order:

The 11th (not just to complete a football team or the time span) would be: Les Nuits de la pleine lune (Rohmer). And the five substitute players: Seventh Heaven (Borzage), L'Atalante (Vigo), In a Lonely Place (Ray), Some Came Running (Minnelli), Femme Fatale (De Palma). And still only a few Western countries and only films by white men. There are, of course, essential films from many more parts of the world and by women, so make it 25, 30, 50, 100 or, better still, 250 titles next time!