Emilio Bustamante

Professor, Film Language, Film History, Universidad de Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Voted for

The Gold Rush1925Charles Chaplin
Un chien andalou1928Luis Buñuel
The Grapes of Wrath1940John Ford
Tokyo Story1953Yasujirō Ozu
Ordet1955Carl Th. Dreyer
Au hasard Balthazar1966Robert Bresson
Death in Venice1971Luchino Visconti
Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania 1972Jonas Mekas
Histoire(s) du Cinéma1988Jean-Luc Godard
La COMMUNE2000Peter Watkins


I have only made one change from my list of ten years ago. Ivan the Terrible is gone (I still love it). Instead I think Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania accentuates the feeling of melancholy but also increases the amount of light.