Matt Johnson


Voted for

Doctor Zhivago1965David Lean
Brief Encounter1945David Lean
The Bridge on the River Kwai1957David Lean
Rushmore1998Wes Anderson
Crumb1994Terry Zwigoff
The Talented Mr. Ripley1999Anthony Minghella
Sweet Smell of Success1957Alexander Mackendrick
F for Fake1973Orson Welles
Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back1980Irvin Kershner
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb1963Stanley Kubrick


The Bridge on the River Kwai

1957 United Kingdom, USA

A Lean night.

The Talented Mr. Ripley

1999 USA

Sick movie.

Further remarks

Movies are sick.