Michael Sicinski

Film Critic / Researcher

Voted for

COPIE CONFORME2009Abbas Kiarostami
A Moment of Innocence1996Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Side/Walk/Shuttle1992Ernie Gehr
Do the Right Thing1989Spike Lee
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles1975Chantal Akerman
Fear Eats the Soul1974Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Wavelength1967Michael Snow
Gertrud1964Carl Th. Dreyer
Tokyo Story1953Yasujirō Ozu
Earth1930Alexander Dovzhenko




Up is down!


1964 Denmark

A film to watch in mixed company.


1930 USSR, Ukrainian SSR

A film of pure poetry, made to implicitly defend an act of mass murder. The medium's contradictions in a nutshell.

Further remarks

I can't help but wonder what a list like this will look like in, say, 20 years. Will it be weighted towards television? Superheroes? VR experiences? When I was in school, we thought that reshaping the canon would be the work of scholars, critics, and programmers. In the final analysis, it was the Internet that killed the beast.