Ana Siqueira

Head programmer - FestCurtasBH

Voted for

One Way or Another1977Sara Gómez
Beau travail1998Claire Denis
Sambizanga1972Sarah Maldoror
Paris Is Burning1990Jennie Livingston
still/here 2001Christopher Harris
Twenty Years Later1984Eduardo Coutinho
Serras da Desordem 2006Andrea Tonacci
As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty2000Jonas Mekas
An Autumn Afternoon1962Yasujirō Ozu
A Woman under the Influence1974John Cassavetes


Faced with the unimaginable task of a ten-film list, I decided on a wild combination of some of the films that changed my life and made me choose never to be too far from a cinema; and of a few, just as transformative, which came up later and keep coming, stunning me over and over again with the same questions: how could this film even exist? How could I not have known of it before? How, and by whom, is the history of cinema written and rewritten?