Hannah Pilarczyk

staff writer

Voted for

Le Mépris1963Jean-Luc Godard
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles1975Chantal Akerman
My Neighbour Totoro1988Hayao Miyazaki
Shoah1985Claude Lanzmann
Sans Soleil1982Chris Marker
FILM D'AMORE E D'ANARCHIA1973Lina Wertmüller
My Beautiful Laundrette1985Stephen Frears
Wild at Heart1990David Lynch
Uccellacci e uccellini1966Pier Paolo Pasolini
Beau travail1998Claire Denis


Le Mépris

1963 France, Italy

My Neighbour Totoro

1988 Japan

As simple as it is unsentimental, Totoro is consolation in its purest, most magical form.

Beau travail

1998 France

The male body as a political prism: Claire Denis makes the implicit in cinema's history explicit and thereby transcends genre/gender

Further remarks

I would be interested in reading essays accompaning the poll results that deal with our conception of "the canon", how they have developed and how they are changing