Nora Fiore

Film historian, The Nitrate Diva

Voted for

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans1927F.W. Murnau
Casablanca1942Michael Curtiz
Meet Me in St. Louis1944Vincente Minnelli
I Know Where I’m Going!1945Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Out of the Past1947Jacques Tourneur
Portrait of Jennie1948Wilhelm Dieterle
The Third Man1949Carol Reed
Late Spring1949Yasujirō Ozu
Seven Samurai1954Akira Kurosawa
The Night of the Hunter1955Charles Laughton


I am grateful for this opportunity to leave my name in the guestbook of film history. While poring over the choices of others, I found that the idiosyncratic, intensely personal lists best captured cinema’s slippery greatness. My own list is lopsided. Nevertheless, these films changed my perspective on what counts in life and in cinema. Some of them struck me with a thunderbolt of awe. Others worked in more mysterious ways, becoming trusted comforts and wells of inspiration over time. All of them retain their power to conjure a singular sense of wonder on each rewatch.

It hurts to exclude Busby Berkeley and Ernst Lubitsch and Buster Keaton and Ida Lupino and so many others. This exercise made me strangely angry at the vast and unruly beauty of cinema, but that is a very joyful sort of anger!