Oona Mosna

Artistic Director

Voted for

Lago GatúnKevin Jerome Everson
Tonsler Park2017Kevin Jerome Everson
8903 Empire2016Kevin Jerome Everson and Kahlil I. Pedizisai
Park Lanes2015Kevin Jerome Everson
The Island of St. Matthews2013Kevin Jerome Everson
Quality Control2011Kevin Jerome Everson
Erie2010Kevin Jerome Everson
The Golden Age of Fish2008 Kevin Jerome Everson
Cinnamon2006Kevin Jerome Everson
Spicebush2005Kevin Jerome Everson


#11. June, Kevin Jerome Everson (2021).

Kevin Jerome Everson’s ever-growing cinematic oeuvre is currently comprised of 11 features and 200+ short films. In fulfillment of this task, which threatens to dampen our collective imagination with its outcome, I’ve decided to offer Everson's features as a worthy ready-made. By any and all accounts his expansive body of work should be considered one of cinema's most extraordinary contributions.

For those who remain unnamed and are numerous.