Rubén García López

Film researcher, Professor, Universidad de Valparaíso

Voted for

INGEBORG HOLM1913Victor Sjöström
The Searchers1956John Ford
PLÁCIDO1961Luis García Berlanga
La Jetée1962Chris Marker
Dog Star ManStan Brakhage1964
Henry Geldzahler 1964Andy Warhol
ere erera baleibu izik subua aruaren1970José Antonio Sistiaga
La celosía1972Isidoro Valcárcel Medina
Je, tu, il, elle1974Chantal Akerman
Cofralandes2002Raúl Ruiz


Some criteria:

1/ Cinema is a huge thing. Be open.

2/ Cinema is about movies, not filmmakers (but don't forget to include one Raúl Ruiz).

3/ Only masterpieces. Don't listen to your heart. He'll do what he wants anyway.

4/ Yeah, you love "Vertigo", but Hitchcock doesn't need your vote! Neither Ford, but you don't wanna be an hypocrite, don't you?

5/ No, man, you can't choose only Spanish movies! Three is fine, just name some others on the remarks: "Contactos" (Paulino Viota, 1970), "Objetivo 40º" (Javier Aguirre, 1970) or any of the last five movies by Francisco Regueiro (best Spanish filmmaker ever), for example.

6/ Accept you'll hate your list as soon as you upload it!