Tanya Horeck

Professor of Film and Feminist Media Studies

Voted for

Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles1975Chantal Akerman
Fear Eats the Soul1974Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Grey Gardens1975David Maysles, Albert Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer
Working Girls1986Lizzie Borden
Do the Right Thing1989Spike Lee
Ratcatcher1999Lynne Ramsay
Wasp2003Andrea Arnold
Hidden2004Michael Haneke
Stories We Tell2012Sarah Polley
The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open 2019Kathleen Hepburn, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers


Writing this list caused me great stress and pleasure in equal measure. In the run up to list submission, social media was abuzz with film academics debating the merits of ‘The List’ as a tool for determining cinematic value. ‘Lists are for laundry, not for film,’ as Elena Gorfinkel quips in her influential 2019 piece, “Against Lists.” Yes, there are inherent problems with canon-making and ‘greatest ever’ lists. List-making of this kind is also angst inducing (how to choose between films, what to leave out etc.). However, what is also true is that I love perusing the lists of other academics, filmmakers, and critics. Let’s be honest: there is pleasure to be had in both list-making and list reading. Being involved in this process reconnected me to cinema and renewed my affective and intellectual attachment to certain films and filmmakers. By no means definitive, I see my list as a snapshot of my mood in summer 2022.