Sarah Kaufman

Washington Post Dance Critic

Voted for

Singin' in the Rain1951Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen
Swing Time1936George Stevens
The Godfather1972Francis Ford Coppola
North by Northwest1959Alfred Hitchcock
Notorious1946Alfred Hitchcock
Casablanca1942Michael Curtiz
The Red Shoes1948Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
His Girl Friday1939Howard Hawks
Fantasia1940Ben Sharpsteen, Samuel Armstrong, Samuel Armstrong, James Algar, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, Hamilton Luske, Jim Handley, Ford Beebe, T. Hee, Norman Ferguson, Wilfred Jackson
West Side Story1961Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins


Thank you for this opportunity. I've made my choices based on the enduring artistry of all moviemaking elements, including uniqueness and expressiveness of the writing, music, dramatic performances, dance and choreographic excellence where applicable, lighting, cinematography, imaginative concept--in sum, the showcasing of artistic qualities of great and lasting significance.