Fabio Troncarelli


Voted for

To Be or Not to Be1942Ernst Lubitsch
Stagecoach1939John Ford
Bicycle Thieves1948Vittorio De Sica
Roma città aperta1945Roberto Rossellini
Some Like It Hot1959Billy Wilder
Ugetsu Monogatari1953Kenji Mizoguchi
The Exterminating Angel1962Luis Buñuel
It's a Wonderful Life1947Frank Capra
City Lights1931Charles Chaplin
Notorious1946Alfred Hitchcock


To Be or Not to Be

1942 USA

The best example of the 'Lubitsch touch'.


1939 USA

The best western ever made.

Bicycle Thieves

1948 Italy

What a shock to see the eyes of a man full of despair and to have the illusion that is true, that is not a movie.

Roma città aperta

1945 Italy

Anna Magnani's death is a modern Pietà similar to a Michelangelo's Pietà: the best way to show how tragic a war could be.

Some Like It Hot

1959 USA

Nobody's perfect. Nobody but Billy Wilder.

Ugetsu Monogatari

1953 Japan

At the end of Ugetsu, we know that we have seen a fable, but we think that we have seen a true story

The Exterminating Angel

1962 Mexico

A perfect example of Surrealism

It's a Wonderful Life

1947 USA

“Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?” (Clarence, the angel)

City Lights

1931 USA

What a magnificent challenge, to shoot a perfect silent movie when sound films were on the rise.


1946 USA

The movie has the splendour of diamonds.