Willow Catelyn Maclay

Film Critic

Voted for

The Red Shoes1948Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
BARA NO SORETSU1970Toshio Matsumoto
The Conformist1970Bernardo Bertolucci
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me1992David Lynch
Window Water Baby Moving1959Stan Brakhage
TOUTE UNE NUIT1982Chantal Akerman
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre1974Tobe Hooper
Breakaway1967Bruce Conner and Toni Basil
The END OF EVANGELION1997Hideaki Anno
Meshes of the Afternoon1943Maya Deren, Alexander Hackenschmied


It is fundamentally an impossible prospect to narrow the full range of cinematic artistry down to ten selections. It feels fundamentally wrong that I could not find room for John Ford, Agnes Varda, David Cronenberg, Edward Yang, Orson Welles, Luchino Visconti, or Barbara Hammer, among many, many others. Ask any film obsessive and they could go on and on about which films matter most, but in actually presenting a list I have gravitated to films about the body. On my list you will find dance, sex, birth, trauma, life, and death. The cinema that I hold dear is one of flesh and movement and all the complexities therein, and this list is the best representation of that philosophy that I can conceive of at this time.